The diary of a day in the life. All the Diabetes related stuff is highlighted in red, so it’s obvious. I’ll update it at intervals throughout the day, as and when I get the opportunity!
Due to the number of posts, I’ve split the Day in the Life into multiple entries covering morning, afternoon and evening. It’s fair to assume that around and about the entries in here, there is also work going on in the gaps!
4.45am: Alarm goes off; hit snooze. Two minutes later alarm goes off again.
5am: Alarm went off for third time. Rolled over and scanned with the Libre. What the? 11.4mmol/l. Recall that this sensor is reasonably accurate, and that pre-breakfast correction is 1u:5mmol, so standard bolus 1.2u -should bring me down to 4-6. Detach pump after bolus to shower.
6.20am: Feel a bit spacey as train pulls into station. Check BG level just in case. 7.5 and flat arrow – berate myself for being a Dia-chondriac. Order coffee from Starbucks on the app to pick up on the way into the office.
6.20-6.35am: Berate myself for the two hours of cricket nets on Saturday as I walk to the office (and pick up my Starbucks). Sore shins and ankles from two hours of bowling and batting for the first time in four months.
6.37am: Arrive at office, log into PC and start up the ton of apps that can’t be set to start up on Login. Go into blog to review what has been written so far. Work is desk based and sedentary. On a normal day I stand up and walk around every 50 minutes or so.
6.40am-7am: Start of day set up and checks.
7am: Log onto weight loss resources to update meals cooked yesterday and work out food for the day.
7.09am: Pre-breakfast Libre scan 8.5 + calibration blood test on Libre 9.1. Aviva combo for Bolus calc – 8.0. Pre-breakfast insulin calculated by pump/expert bolus wizard based on 3g carbs + 37g Protein: 1.9u. Over-ride to 3u and use Multiwave, splitting Initial dose at 1.9u and duration to 1hr15mins.Logged on to Diabetes.co.uk to see if anyone has noted my reminder. Someone has.
7.29am: Check the forum to see if anyone else has replied. Someone has. Reminded to add link to the topic where multiple people have pledged to participate here: http://www.diabetes.co.uk/forum/threads/a-day-in-the-life-of-a-t1d.86969/
7.45am: Head to microwave to cook Egg Foo Yung, the breakfast of choice this week, following the Monday morning meeting that takes place between 7.30 and 7.40.
8.07am: Foot feeling pins and needles where I sprained it 12 months ago. Quick Libre scan to check levels – 8.8. Decide to leave alone for now as roughly an hour since Breakfast bolus with correction dose included.
8.59am: See a couple of alerts for diabetes.co.uk forum on my phone. Remember it is time for two hour check, Libre scan shows suitable steady decline bring glucose level back to 6,6mmol/l. Reduction strategy is working nicely. Check forum alerts. Respond to a PM relating to the Credit Suisse report into fats and check a few mentions/likes. Respond to a mention on the forum regarding changing from Lantus to Levemir as a basal. It appears the user had a similar issue to me with Lantus causing a sudden hypo after not absorbing properly.
9.13-9.44am: Get on with various aspects of work.
9.44am: Check BG level with Libre – scans at 6.6mmol/l.
10.07am: Get the feeling that BG level is heading up. Do a “glance” in Sugar Surfing terms. See the uptick of BG to 7.2 from 6.6 following protein amounts for breakfast. Given Libre is reading lower currently, do a 2.5u micro-dose to bring back in line.
10.32-11.33am: Working
11.33am: Time to consider lunch. Pre-lunch test – 5.1mmol/l. Lunch is 8g carbs, 43g Protein. Enter 28g as carbs for bolus calculator which produces 2.3u. Manually extend to 4u for multiwave to cover protein, with 2.3u up front and 1.7u for 1.5 hours post. Eat lunch in 20 mins.
11.33am-1152am: Work.
11.52am: Glance before going to microwave to cook lunch. Shows at 4.7. Currently operating in line with BG testing.
12.16pm: On finishing lunch at my desk, have a discussion with a colleague about eating carbs and the benefits of Chilli, which I’ve just eaten. Significantly reducing carbs seriously helps him with weight and body composition (as it does for me really). Gives me an idea for a post about insulin, diabetes and the difficulties of losing weight.
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