Boost Users’ Survey

Hi, as a user of Boost, I’m trying to assess the effectiveness of Boost amongst those who have chosen to use it. In order to do so, please can you fill out this brief survey providing some details of your use and metrics associated with your time on Boost. 

We will hopefully be publishing this is a paper describing the outcomes of using an automated insulin delivery system designed to minimised mealtime intervention, so your help is greatly appreciated.

Please note that the metrics requested are for the previous 14 days up until the point in completing the survey.

Thanks for your help.

If you would like a copy of your results sent to you, please enter your email address
Please confirm that you understand the data being collected and that you are happy for this data to be included anonymously in published works.*
Please tell us when you started using Boost*
Please confirm the version of Boost you are using: (This can be found in the APK name)*
Please tell us how you mostly use Boost:*
Please tell us which insulin you usually use with Boost*
Please tell us which insulin plugin you use with Boost?*
In the following section, please use the NightScout Distribution report to provide the values requested.

Please provide these values for the last two weeks of your use of Boost.
Please provide your time below range in percent Lower than 3.9mmol/l or 70 mg/dl*
Please provide your time in range in percent Between 3.9 and 10mmol/l or 70 and 180 mg/dl*
Please provide your time above range in percent. Greater than 10 mmol/l or 180 mg/dl*
Please provide your overall standard deviation*
Please provide your GVI:*
Please provide your PGS:
The following section asks qualitative questions about your use of Boost
Please tell us how satisfied you are, overall, with using Boost. on a scale of 1-10, where 1 is very dissatisfied and 10 is very satisfied.*
Please tell us whether your use of Boost has increased or decreased your feelings of freedom from diabetes. 1 = decreased a lot; 10 = increased a lot*
Please tell us how satisfied you are with your glucose levels using Boost on a scale where 1 is very dissatisfied and 10 is very satisfied.*
Please let us know whether you feel that you have had to intervene in your APS system's operation more or less than when not using Boost. 1 is a lot less, 10 is a lot more.*
Please let us know whether you think that using Boost has increased or decreased hypoglycaemic events? 1 = Significantly decreased; 10 = significantly increased.
If you have any other comments regarding using Boost, please feel free to use this freeform text box to provide them.