Abbott’s Freestyle Libre – disrupting and democratising Diabetes care in Europe
Building the LimiTTer: Bridging the #freestylelibre sensor to xDrip #wearenotwaiting
CGM for less than £200? Maybe, with #freestylelibre and #wearenotwaiting
#freestylelibre and Dexcom G4 with xBridge – Two different sides of the same coin…
#freestylelibre – How Libre changes glucose testing behaviour and the cost implications
#FreestyleLibre Now on NightScout – #wearenotwaiting
#freestylelibre How Abbott can tie the care triangle and Libre together
to make a killing…
#freestylelibre The Freestyle Libre Accuracy study – Here are the report details!
The Triangle of Diabetes Care. A step in the right direction? #freestylelibre #sugarsurfing