Type 1 Diabetes and Me. The story of a Diabetic life – In to work; the Lantus years #DOC #gbdoc
Night time hypos and what to do about them? Maybe Hypoband is the
answer! #gbdoc
Intensive therapy and day to day life #sugarsurfing #doc #gbdoc
The cost of diabetic emergency care. Is it really so expensive? #gbdoc
Bolusing guidelines – using the #freestylelibre to show why many NHS recommendations appear wrong
Replacing the #freestylelibre – building the DIY CGM
One in the eye for sick days – Sugar Surf through it!
#freestylelibre – Time to move on to bigger and better: DIY CGM – the next step
#freestylelibre – Why is pump treatment favoured over CGM on the NHS when the costs just don’t add up?
Diabetes Clinic Appointments – Harrumph…