artificial pancreas

Physical implementation of AID systems? What’s best?
Choosing an AID system presents lots of choices. The physical set up may make or break use of one for an end user.

Automated Insulin Delivery: why choice matters
One of the items that stood out about ATTD was the amount of representation about DIY systems at this year’s conference. The number of posters […]

Losing while looping – can you lose weight with a DIYAPS?
One of the questions that is repeatedly asked in the various Facebook groups relating to DIY APS is “Will I gain weight?”, to which there […]

Control:IQ vs 670G – Which is better? The pivotal trial results are in.
With news that the Tandem T:Slim X2 Control:IQ pivotal study results have been published, I thought it would be worth comparing the data to that […]

If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it – unless you wear CGM
A bit of Baz Luhrmann seemed an appropriate title, as his advice, “Wear sunscreen”, was obviously oblivious to the issues connected to sunscreen, swimming pools […]

Masquerades and Feints – using DIY diabetes terms nefariously
That’s a very blunt headline making a pretty clear statement about my point of view on this topic, but what is the topic? If you […]

May 2019 Snapshot of UK DIY APS Users
For the duration of May, I ran a survey of UK DIY APS users. Having closed the survey now, this is the overview of the […]

The first Living with Looping – an event summary!
The idea for “Living with Looping” spawned as more and more people have joined the WeAreNotWaiting community, setting up their own closed loop systems, and […]

DIY looping and CGM – a critical cog in the machine
When you are using a DIY closed loop, one of the most critical parts of the set up is the CGM data. But what we […]