#Afrezza and Easter Eggs – a different way to spend Easter weekend…
Nemaura SugarBEAT – competition in the CGM world at last???
The risks adherent in Diabetes Technology – why #wearenotwaiting is the right thing to do
Close encounters of the worst kind – an everyday encounter with @NHSDiabetes
Crowd Sourcing Diabetes Data – an extension of @NightscoutFdn for patient led clinical trials? #WeAreNotWaiting
#wearenotwaiting – Disparity of access to Type 1 Diabetes treatments – Globalization? You are having a laugh.
Type 1 Diabetes and Me. The story of a Diabetic life – A Diabetes
Epiphany #DOC #gbdoc
Night time hypos and what to do about them? Maybe Hypoband is the
answer! #gbdoc
A Day in the life of this T1D – The Evening #DOC #gbdoc #dayinlifeofT1D
A Day in the life of this T1D – The Afternoon #DOC #gbdoc #dayinlifeofT1D